
Showing 1-9 results of 10

  • Graphic which illustrates a campaign to promote the risks of smoking shisha.

    Shisha: Not as glamorous as you think

    Shisha is becoming more popular as a social pastime, but there are risks associated with it, as with any form of tobacco smoking. This campaign aims to inform people about the health risks that are associated with smoking shisha. It also highlights that there might be legal implications for smoking shisha in some locations and venues.

  • Front slide of Vaping Presentation

    Vaping: The Facts

    This campaign aims to give children and young people the facts they need to know about vaping, and to helps teachers and parents have informed conversations.

  • Smokefree Sheffield Success Story Robert
    People like me

    Share your smokefree story

    If you think your stop smoking story could inspire other smokers to quit, we'd love to hear from you.

  • People like me

    You Are Strong Enough

    The campaign aims to let smokers in Sheffield know that they are strong enough to quit smoking for good, and help is available to them.

  • Still from smokefree homes animation
    Smokefree Homes

    Secondhand Smoke

    The campaign aims to to encourage people to make their homes smokefree after lockdown led to an increase in secondhand exposure at home, specifically in households with children.

  • Razia Bibi Smokefree Sheffield
    Stop Smoking Support

    Better Health Sheff

    Better Health Sheff is a campaign developed alongside Sheffield City Council, to provide everyday tools and support to help the people of Sheffield make small changes to lead a healthier, happier life.

  • Cheap and Illicit Tobacco

    Cheap and illicit tobacco and cigarettes don’t adhere to UK legislation, are illegal, often smuggled and sometimes fake. Affecting everyone, not just the individuals buying them, cheap and illicit tobacco and cigarettes impacts negatively on local communities.

  • SFS Film Still
    Stop Smoking Support

    Closer Each Time

    Every successful quit begins with a serious quit attempt. Is it time you gave quitting another go?

  • Covid

    Quit for COVID

    Encouraging smokers to #QuitForCOVID and reduce their risk from COVID-19.