23 November 2022 • Sheffield

Better Health Sheff

Better Health Sheff launches to promote healthier, happier lives across Sheffield.

Better Health Sheff was developed alongside Sheffield City Council, to provide everyday tools and support to help the people of Sheffield make small changes to lead a healthier, happier life.

From quitting smoking, being active and eating well, these healthy changes start with the small ways we can support ourselves.

Across the UK there is a higher prevalence in underlying health conditions and widening of health inequalities with Black, Asian and ethnic minority populations, so Better Health Sheff  highlights the importance of living well and raises awareness of the support services available to people across the city.

This campaign lets people know that the Stop Smoking service is available to everyone who is ready to quit. They have advisors who speak a range of languages, and you can speak to them either by phone, face-to-face or via an online quit programme.

Let them help you on your journey to smokefree.

Information for Smokefree Partners

Partners can still make a difference by supporting the city’s population. Here’s what you need to know:

Key Messages

  • Smokers have a higher risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, respiratory conditions and even lung cancer.
  • Quitting is one of the best things people can do for their health and they’ll feel benefits straightaway.
  • By taking steps to quitting smoking, it gives your lungs the chance to repair and you’ll be able to breathe easier.
  • We know that stopping smoking isn’t easy, but taking the first step is what counts.
  • People are three times more likely to quit smoking with the help of the local stop smoking service. This includes personalised quit plans, to nicotine replacement therapy or helping make the switch to e-cigarettes.

Key Statistics

  • Black, Asian and ethnic minority populations generally have worse health than the overall population and although most populations have lower rates of smoking than White British, there are specific groups where this is higher. Linked with certain underlying health conditions experienced by these groups, smoking too means they are at higher risk of developing serious illnesses.
  • Studies have shown a decreased level of awareness regarding stop smoking services and knowledge around NRT in these groups. Despite evidence showing that minority ethnic groups in England are ready to quit smoking, fewer have made an attempt to stop using professional support which correlates with the findings. Only 6% of the total NHS stop smoking services uptake comes from these groups.

Campaign Activity

The campaign included the launch of a film featuring real people across the city.

Healthy changes, really do start with the small changes. Help us encourage smokers to give quitting another go and guide them towards support from Smokefree Sheffield to increase their chances of success.


Sophie Squire

Account Executive

0114 221 0378 Email Sophie Squire